Download Your Google Search History

Download Your Google Search History

in a readable format

We have a special relationship with our own data and with the companies that store them.
We can be passive, shocked, ambiguous, vindictive, indifferent, shocked, resigned, rebellious, ... But whatever the feeling is, we do not like to look at ourselves in the mirror of our data and detect what they can tell from our life. This mirror is revealing the very little things of our lives, our repetitions, our ignorance, our wanderings. It also reveals our "madeleines", our special moments, our memories, our big events.
Reading all our researches typed on Google, we discover everything that makes our lives unique, both majestic and tiny.

In any case, re-browse your history from your own Google search data is a real experience to which Albertine invites you here!

Everything you want to know about yourself without daring to ask yourself!

2018 – Albertine Meunier


Your Google searches


non applicable


Tristan Savina

Schematic diagram
Schematic diagram